Distinct Services | Web - Websites

The Internet; It's not just for cat videos.

Since its inception in 1989 and its aggressive growth throughout the 21st century, the World Wide Web has become the pivotal touchpoint that connects people together around the globe. Due to this and the transformative, scalable nature of websites, the landscape of business and commerce has evolved into a non-stop, interactive, and responsive environment with unlimited potential for those who know how to effectively harness it.

No longer restrained by limited business hours or geography, the success of your business now lies in your taking full advantage of the 24/7 access for customers and prospects alike and the utilization of two-way conversations with your audience through blogs and other social media. E-commerce makes selling your products and services online a breeze while mobile websites which adapt to a myriad of devices and screen sizes ensures that you get in front of your target demographic wherever and whenever they are.

Whether its a custom solution or a third party framework such as WordPress, Lumin8 creates and maintains the websites that turn your browsers into buyers.



