Design | Digital Media

Let’s get digital.

Printed ads and flyers are no longer the only "go to" resource in your company's marketing toolkit. The design of interfaces and assets for use in websites, mobile devices, presentations, and a myriad of other digital media are becoming more prevalent and necessary to doing business. Between Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, almost 3 billion users are active in social media while those customers in the audience of your latest presentation? They expect more from your PowerPoint than the same old tired clip art and some Comic Sans lettering. Your message has to be on point, relatable, current, and interesting but it also has to look good doing it.

Unlike traditional print media, digital marketing is a fluid landscape riddled with unconventional considerations such as screen size, responsive design, social platform rules, and more. The time of "design it once and send it to print" is gone and the time of continuous design evolution is upon us. The one thing that hasn't changed is good design is good business, no matter where it happens.

Lumin8 knows how to use design through any media channel to present you and your message in the best light possible; even if that light is the glow of your cell phone screen.


Social Media